In English

Tooraku quest house is located by the Baltic Sea in Läänemaa, Pusku. It is 10 km from Haapsalu.

The whole complex of Tooraku is a beautiful and quiet place surrounded by nature – forests and the sea. Here you can find a quest house for 21 persons, grilling place, sauna house and a large yard. In addition to that there is a camping place ca 0,8 ha and sporting fields (tennis and volleyball). There is a possibility to take a hike in the peninsula that belongs to Natura 2000 nature conservation network. Nearest swimming place in the sea is about 300 meters away.

Price list:

  • Accommodation (breakfast included) – 30 €/person
  • Sauna house – 15 €/h
  • Camping (shower and WC included) – 10 €/person
  • Tennis court (equipment included) – 6 €/person

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